Book Week shows for students... by teachers!!                        Ph. 1300 BOOK WEEK

Public Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificates


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Working With Children's Check details for our staff attending on the day:


One of the following staff members will accompany the performer, Tony on the day to act as the "roadie". They will assist with bringing in the gear from the company vehicle & setting up the space, then packing up afterwards. To check their current WWCC status, enter their surname & WWCC number on the status checker by clicking here!


  • Brendan Coppa - 2828491A


  • Andre Price-Quintner - 3138505A


Tony Appleby (the performer) is exempt from requiring a WWCC in all states & territories in Australia as he is a registered school teacher (see below). Please email if you would like to receive a copy of Tony's current VIT (Victorian Institute of Teaching) registration card & driver's licence.


WWCC exemption for Tony Appleby B.Ed: As a registered school teacher with the Victorian Department of Education, Tony Appleby B.Ed is legally exempt from having a Working With Children’s Check, as it is already included in his Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration.


To see the current status of Tony's VIT registration, please use the status checker here! His details are “Tony Appleby 264731”. A copy of his card can be emailed at your request & is also carried on the day of the performance.


At this weblink it states, “A person listed here is registered and permitted to teach. A registered teacher is also exempt from the Working with Children's Check as can be seen on the Working with Children's website here Teachers are subject to extensive criminal record checks.” The link states, “Exemptions: There are several situations listed in the Working with Children Act 2005 (the Act) where people doing child-related work are exempt and do not need a Working with Children Check. The exemptions in the Act are described below… Teachers: If you are a teacher who is currently registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), you are exempt from the Check.”

For NSW clients: After several schools thought that we also required a NSW WWCC in addition to our VIC WWCC / VIT registration, the NSW DET Probity Unit sent us this email on 23.10.2023 to clarify: "I would like to advise you that work you will be doing is considered Non-Child Related, therefore there is no need for you to obtain NSW WWCC clearance. Before you can be engaged you will need to fill out this form and provide it to the school:


  • Declaration for non-child-related workers

  • The school must conduct person search/NTBE search in eCPC system

  • You will need to show them one valid photo ID when signing in

  • School only needs to sight your ID"


A copy of the "Declaration for non-child-related workers" can be provided to all NSW schools well before the performance date to give them time to conduct the person search/NTBE search in the eCPC system. states, "Check exemptions... Role examples - Situations that do and don't require a Working with Children Check.... No WWCC required... You are visiting from interstate and working with children for fewer than 30 days... includes... a visitor to a school as a guest speaker... You work in an organisation that delivers services for children but you do not have more than incidental contact with the children." Tony is exempt in his home state of Victoria, as described above & also works for less than 30 days a year in NSW as he now only tours the Book Week tour there in Term 3.


For QLD clients: states, "Registered teachers and police officers remain exempt from requiring a blue card or exemption card when providing regulated child-related services". states, "Please note that for registered teachers, this exemption only applies when they are providing services at a school or boarding facility."


For SA clients: states, "The following people do not need to get a Working with Children Check: Visiting worker from another State or Territory. People who normally live outside South Australia, and hold an equivalent check from their home state or territory, do not need a South Australian Working with Children Check as long as the child-related work:

  • occurs, or is to occur, in the course of an organised event; and

  • does not exceed 10 consecutive days.

  • Organised events include events organised and run by an association, club or other body as part of the official activities of the body.

Example: Interstate or territory people working at a 5-day Australian Scout Jamboree will not need a Working with Children Check."

As a registered teacher with VIT, Tony is exempt from needing a separate WWCC in his home state of Victoria, as described above, he works for less than 10 consecutive days a year in SA as he now only tours the Book Week tour there in Term 3, and the shows performed at schools are all "organised events".


For TAS clients: states, "You may be exempt if:... you hold a current interstate registration and want to use it in Tasmania for 28 days or less per year for a similar activity".


For ACT clients:!tabs-2 states, "Not everyone who encounters vulnerable people as part of their work or volunteering activities needs to be registered. Section 12 of the WWVP Act outlines the circumstances under which a person does not need to be registered. This includes where the person: registered under a similar law in another State or Territory, as long as they do not work or volunteer with vulnerable people for more than 28 days in 12 months"